Chainlink: Your smart contracts connected to real world data, events and payments.
Address | Name Tag | Balance | Txn Count |
0x0567F232...8A7D42aeE | Chainlink: BNB/USD Price Feed | 0 BNB | 8 |
0x116EeB23...44eE771A0 | Chainlink: BTC/BNB Price Feed | 0 BNB | 2 |
0x0Db8945f...78DfDe540 | Chainlink: COMP/USD Price Feed | 0 BNB | 2 |
0x132d3C0B...10FDeecfA | Chainlink: DAI/USD Price Feed | 0 BNB | 2 |
0x0bf79F61...8955b9A80 | Chainlink: EUR/USD Price Feed | 0 BNB | 2 |
0x0E8a53DD...8F919B323 | Chainlink: SOL/USD Price Feed | 0 BNB | 4 |
0x058316f8...FB4Ea1B53 | Chainlink: VAI/USD Price Feed | 0 BNB | 2 |
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